About fjollberg.se


My name is Fredrik Jönsson, and I am an IT professional, born in the late 70s, from Södertälje, a smaller town south of the capital, Stockholm, Sweden. I’ve been working for many years at Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, the Royal institute of technology in Stockholm, where I occasionally contributed to the development teams blog, https://www.kth.se/blogs/1337/.

My current position as infrastructure architect at the Swedish police agency doesn’t provide me with the same opportunity to vent opinions and thoughts about stuff, they keep their cards closer to their chest, so I’ve decided to give blogging to my own site a try. We’ll see how it goes. The name of the site is perhaps a bit peculiar, particularly in Swedish, and a short background is given, in Swedish, on a separate page.

My background in IT is diverse, eventually led to a M.Sc. in computer science and has, since I started working with IT professionally 1994, mostly alternated between Ericsson AB and KTH where I also studied. I’ll probably delve more into this some other time.

Married to Elin, with a child in common and another from a previous marriage of mine our spare time tend to get eaten up, but otherwise we try to spend it outdoors if we can. We have a small sail boat and occasionally participate in adventure racing and other things we feel we perhaps don’t really qualify for, but we’ve yet to finish last.

So why English? I am Swedish. Most, if any, visitors will be Swedish and it’s considered a bit pompous to write in English (lex Alexander Bard). But IT is very much an international affair and I have had international visitors before. So it will probably be a mix where I write things I believe might be of interest to a broader audience in English, and more locally anchored material in Swedish.